
Company Name:TaurusQuest Services Private Limited


Qualification:Bcom, /M.Com, MBA/PGDM


Salary:As Per Industry Standards.

Job Details:
XBRL standards have been mandated by various regulatory bodies throughout the world. It is an "Interactive Data", gives the financial community a standards-based method to prepare,publish, exchange, search, and analyze financial statements.
Apply Mode:Walk-In
WALKIN ON 22nd & 24TH AUGUST 2012

Time:12:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M

Contact: KARTHIK
Ramanujam IT Park,
2nd floor, Hardy Tower,
TRIL Infopark SEZ, Rajiv Gandhi Salai,
Taramani, Chennai 600 113
Landmark: Near TIDAL PARK